When I was a child, someone once gave me the advice to tell myself a story, whenever I couldn't sleep. I was lying, of course, about not being able to sleep. The grown-ups downstairs were having a small party and I felt left out, but it's still some of the best advice I ever had. It sparked my love for storytelling. The act of making up worlds and people and creatures. It was the reason I started looking for a way to tell those stories. Pushing me towards art and, more specifically, animation.
Hi! My name is Deanne, pronounced in the Dutch way, which is why you may also call me Day. I graduated in illustration and animation at St. Joost, School Of Art And Design in Breda, The Netherlands, with a strong preference towards animation. I love to read, I collect broken light bulbs, and my biggest inspiration in life comes from music and animated music video's.
My favorite way to animate is with 2D frame by frame animation, in the shape of dreamy, imaginative stories. I hope to entertain my audience, to inspire them and preferably confuse them a tiny bit. Most of all, I would love to offer them a little distraction from their daily lives.
That is what I love doing most, but luckily I'm also quite versatile. I get easily enthused about most subjects, and I like to find the fun in any project. I'm pretty technical, which helps me pick up new computer programs with relative ease. I often work with Adobe (Photoshop, After Effects, Premiere, InDesign) and my favorite animation program is ToonBoom Harmony, though I currently spend most of my time in ClipStudio.
If you'd like to know more or maybe even work with me, please don't hesitate to contact me trough my email at deannewarnaar@outlook.com. You can also find me on Instagram @deaanimation and LinkedIn under my own name, Deanne Warnaar.