Everything in the video, save the music itself, was made by me. I did everything from design to animation and post production. I love being involved in the whole proces, however, I hope to have I lot more time on my next go. I hope to be able to make a lot more music video's in my future.
If I'd have to do it al over again, I'd make a lot of changes in the designs, though I do love the characters I created.
In the beginning I planned to keep the art style as rough and simple as possible. That would have made it easier to finish the video, without having to hurry the animating itself. I, however got a little lost in the design proces and was in a hurry to start animating, leaving me no time to reflect on the designs.
I've been experimenting with a rougher animation style since finishing this video and I do feel that it suits me better.
I made some promotional material for the video. Stickers, postcards, a Spotify Canvas video and shorts snippets of animation to be used for adds and such.
De video unfortunately never got to be the official video, but I do hope you enjoyed being one of the few people who got to see it.

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